Peace Maker Episode 1 to 8 Movie Review - Techno Junction


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Peace Maker Episode 1 to 8 Movie Review

Hey What's up today i brought a new movie review and its story line. Hope you like this movie explanation..

So Lets Begin...

I want you to hit me as hard as you can  james gunn is a brilliant madman even  before guardians of the galaxy his work  on slither and super showcased his genre  sensibilities and made him the ideal  person to direct comic book tales of  misfits and off-kilter characters just  outside of the mainstream with 2021's  the suicide squad gun delivered a mature  bloody and profane epic that introduced  many new characters to the dceu while i  wasn't completely in love with the  suicide squad i was instantly a fan of  john cena as peacemaker and have been  looking forward to his hbo max solo  series since it was announced i am very  happy to say that not only is peacemaker  a hilariously brilliant and subversive  superhero story but potentially the best  work of james gunn's career peacemaker  picks up from the post-credits sequence  of the suicide squad with christopher  smith aka peacemaker played by john cena  recuperating in the hospital after task  force x's mission in quarto maltese  despite killing rick flagg peacemaker  finds himself out of prison and back to  his old life before long clemson mirn  recruits peacemaker citing the bomb  still in his head joined by john  economous played by steve aguie emilia  harcourt played by jennifer holland and  newcomer leota adebayo played by daniel  brooks peacemaker is tasked with a new  mission involving targets codename  butterflies peacemaker is also joined by  his friend and fellow crimefighter  vigilante aka adrian chase played by  freddie stroma and peacemaker's father  auggie played by robert patrick within  the first minutes of peacemaker's first  episode i knew the series was going to  be great the opening titles are pitch  perfect for james gunn's sensibility and  musical taste and could easily be the  best series titles of all time what  works so well about this show is what  made deadpool work and that is the  balance of humor and violence peacemaker  is far funnier than the suicide squad  and that is thanks primarily to john  cena often compared to dwayne johnson as  a former wrestler turned actor cena  embraces playing peacemaker as a broken  man child who harbors deeply rooted  daddy issues with a crippling amount of  self-consciousness while he appeared  confident in his abilities in the  suicide squad this multi-episode look  into the character shows so many sides  to his psyche that are fascinating cena  is so good in this role and manages to  make peacemaker a sympathetic anti-hero  gunn who wrote all eight episodes of  peacemaker seven of which were made  available for this review doesn't just  make this series a tangential addition  to the dceu there are lots of references  to characters from other dc films like  harley quinn and aquaman as well as  characters from the vast canon of dc  comics who have not yet been seen on  screen there are also characters in this  series who are not who i expected them  to be some of whom have connections to  familiar characters while others are  actually new spins on heroes and  villains from the annals of suicide  squad comics and beyond much like how  gunn brought characters to the suicide  squad like ratcatcher 2 tdk and polka  dot man he brings even more to life on  peacemaker to spill anything more than  that will ruin these reveals that will  have some fans very excited and others  fervently googling who the heck these  people are while james gunn directed  more than half of peacemaker he has a  solid team on the rest including brad  anderson rosemary rodriguez and jody  hill all of the directors complement gun  style and allow the humor and action to  balance nicely as the story unfolds also  in typical gun fashion there is a killer  soundtrack comprised primarily of 1980s  rock and roll every episode is chock  full of songs that are familiar and  others that you may have completely  forgotten about the show is also busting  with pop culture references beyond dc  ranging from jokes about the  legalization of marijuana to louis ck  exposing his penis i also cannot stress  enough how good this entire cast is  especially danielle brooks jennifer  holland and steve agui who hold their  own opposite cena peacemaker could have  been a cash grab for hbo max to  replicate marble studio's success on  disney plus but it is in every way a  fully realized james gunn project this  story would never have worked as a  feature film and succeeds because the  long form of a television series allows  for so many jokes that would have been  edited out of a film there are scenes  that are fully aside from random things  the characters discussed that had me  rolling with laughter and it never  derails the pacing of the main story  somehow james gunn has outdone his big  screen work with the profanely hilarious  comic book story that is better than  deadpool better than the suicide squad  and possibly better than anything else  the dceu has put out so far i love  peacemaker so much and those opening  credits so so much and cannot wait for  more that's why i'm giving peacemaker a  9 out of 10. 

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Download Episode 1 to 8

Episode 1:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 2:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 3:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 4:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 5:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 6:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 7:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Episode 8:- Click Here 480p+720p+1080p [Multiple Links]

Thank You...

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