Valimai The Power Movie Explationation - Techno Junction


Friday, February 25, 2022

Valimai The Power Movie Explationation

Hey What's up today i brought a new movie review and its story line. Hope you like this movie explanation..

So Lets Begin...

You see your favorite star on the big  screen after close to three years is a  big deal for film fans when you see the  kind of pandemonium increase that was  circulating before the release of the  tala ajit stara balemai you would know  exactly what i'm talking about i'm all  for mass commercial cinema that  guarantees me high octane action  sequences and some enjoyable moments of  comedy and valemai basically aims to try  and emulate the same with its storyline  to entertain audiences the film directed  by h.b north focuses on ecb arjun kumar  played by ajith who is the presiding  officer to take care of the  deteriorating state of law and order in  chennai there is a carefully organized  gang that is conducting theft murders  and trade within the city and it is the  people's police officer who has the  capability to curtail their growing  influence karthikey are playing the role  of naren the leader of the highly adept  gang is the force of nature that arjun  has to deal with in the process as the  storyline develops age vinod attempts to  focus on familial problems the mistrust  and lack of communication that exists  between generations specifically  children and their parents and the  growing corruption and the influence of  banned substances that are ruining the  lives of the youth in the state of tamil  nadu whether or not arjun is successful  in ending this gang's practices forms  the basic storyline of balamai here's me  telling you the good and bad aspects of  the film so that you guys can ultimately  decide whether to watch it in theaters  or not the good  action set pieces the biggest highlight  of this movie has to be the action set  pieces that have been choreographed by  sergey golovkin i think if that has to  be one of the biggest motivations for  you to watch this film are the action  sequences while certain sequences  definitely fall in the category of  absolute convenience making you think  about matlab could be moments there are  some scenes which are executed with  great skill and logic ajith kumar is  known for getting his hands dirty with  action sequences mostly doing his own  stunts and injuring himself in the  process many times leading to several  physical complications and operations  over the years having an extreme ability  with bikes ajith is seen in multiple  sequences zooming through narrow lanes  of chennai the moment of hand to hand  combat with ajit don't really stand out  because he is stiff in his movement but  the bike and car 3 sequences stand out  in this films as its best quality the  montage of chain snatching sequences  followed by the bike tricks done in  order to introduce karthikeya's  character gives a style quotient to the  film that is otherwise missing there is  a beautiful sequence of a bike chase  done in which both the parties believe  that they are bamboozling one another  but it's actually characters calling out  each other's bluff as the lanes change  the identities do as well the best  sequence however is on an empty highway  as a bus gets surrounded by bikers and  arjun has to find a way to escape only  if the storyline was as engaging as the  action sequences this film would have  soared to become a perfect entertainer  ajith and karthiker sadly the character  of naren played by karthik is not  fleshed out properly and we understand  him only from an exterior point of view  an always grimacing face lathered with  tattoos and motivated to cause havoc  influenced by the ideal of the  antithesis of god kartike really tries  to be his best demonic self and  partially successful in doing so the  creators try to give him a backstory but  it seems like a half-baked attempt in  understanding the person's psychology  this film is meant truly for ajith fans  and i see the reason why he has amassed  such a loyal fan base i mean his entries  themselves showcase as him just standing  in the torrential reign and it accounts  for hooting and cheering in theaters the  man is the morally uplifting character  that always has the best interest of  everyone around him he plays the  quintessential hero who can do no wrong  and while this is limiting in the  current landscape of films where  everyone even leading heroes have no  answer layers and grey shades with the  restrictive written material ajit does a  good job at providing fan service the  character itself is not really out of  the box or challenging but he goes  through it pretty easily the interval  point and the switch has to be the best  moment from a performance and screen  play perspective the underwhelming  aspects lack of mass moments and comedy  there is a great dance number in this  film called vera mari and it basically  introduces us to ajit i don't know  whether it is age the number of physical  complications and operations that the  actor has experienced over the years but  the movement of the actor with the beats  of the song are extremely stiff so while  the song itself demands for an energetic  performance ajith really does limit  himself stunting the ability of this  song to have that mass appeal in  theaters i also noticed that the actor  looked tired as well through many  moments of the film and this is  something that people have mentioned to  me about his filmography but it  oscillates in this movie in certain  frames looking very sharp but in others  exhausted there is a mass action moment  in this movie where ajeet is on the  phone mocking another man dismissing the  goons as dogs who are disturbing him  which should lead to a crazy chest  thumping hero worship cheering moment in  theaters but fell flat in order to  generate that reaction the comedy in  this film also is lackluster whether it  be the drunk brothers antics a selfie  competition with hackers to intercept  the gang's intel or a character like  success balu it never really sorts to  become hilarious even though it attempts  to do so gimmicky characters and  screenplay choices there are some  choices and portrayals in this movie  that are straight up generic let's take  for example huma qureshi's character  sophia i am willing to take the leap of  faith in a commercial movie and be like  if i want to consider someone a  superhero who can save the day it will  be ajit but they go out of their way to  even make huma quraishi a jack of all  trades not only is she a narcotics  officer she is a sketch artist who can  draw people with the slightest hint and  also has the ability to fire an  automatic gun like rambo bani j almost  stands in the corner as karthikey orders  her around and the funniest has to be  seeing colombian and nepalese drug  kingpin speak to each other in flow and  tamil there is an action scene where  rajeet storms into the treasury which  can easily make it to the matlab kuch b  episode because it is convenience galore  almost making fun of the intelligence of  the audience i understand that we sign  up for a ride with commercial cinema but  itana benay that you end up doing  anything and expect us to believe and  say yup that makes sense lack of  emotional depth one of the biggest  drawbacks of this movie was an attempt  to emotionally draw you in by providing  a family sentiment subplot that drives  the story forward but the entire  storyline lacks the emotional depth that  will make you shed a tear the attempt by  the creators is to focus on the broken  relationship between parents and their  children but the execution to do the  same is all over the place this  emotional angle extends the running time  of the movie and makes it close to three  hours long and trust me the length  becomes hugely apparent as the mother  keeps on sobbing and questioning her  ability to bring up her children i don't  think anyone in the theater was  partially overwhelmed with emotions in  this movie as the movie progresses and  leads to the ultimate battle in the  second half it becomes a predictable  affair not really having a trigger point  or hook that completely changes the game  with respect to storytelling valemi is  meant for ajith fans and only ajith fans  and it does not offer anything unique  with respect to its screenplay the  action sequences are recommendable but  this movie can be termed as an average  fare at best and that is also a kind  assessment of the film and that was the  video guys write down in the comments  below what you thought about valemai..

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